

The 荣誉项目 at Oklahoma Baptist University offers a transformative educational experience, rooted in the Christian faith and in the Great Books Tradition. In 24 hours of dynamic, discussion-based Honors core classes during freshman and sophomore years, students trace the development of Western civilization. Each course is team-taught by three Honors professors from fields such as philosophy, 文学, 美术, history and theology.

Hear more about Honors from students and professors in the program.


The 荣誉项目 requires a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.5 .申请. While the program does not have a minimum test score required, the average ACT composite score for the last five entering classes has been 29 and the average SAT score has been 1350. A comparable average CLT score would be 91. 

应用 to the 荣誉项目

Features of the 荣誉项目

In classes that alternate between group lectures and smaller seminars, Honors students read the works of the greatest intellectuals down through the ages—Plato, 亚里士多德, 荷马, 维吉尔, 奥古斯汀, 但丁, 莎士比亚, 洛克, 杰佛逊, Franklin and Dostoyevsky, 仅举几个例子. We conceive of the Honors experience as an ongoing conversation about how humankind can pursue the good of the intellect through contemplation of truth, 美, 正义, 救赎, sanctification and eternity.

Honors students also have the chance to explore the world by joining OBU faculty on a month-long, low-cost summer study abroad program. Previous trips have enabled students to explore England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and France. Upcoming trips could offer future Honors students the chance to travel to China, 秘鲁, 厄瓜多尔, the Galapagos Islands, 希腊或意大利. Students can earn anywhere from three to ten hours of OBU class credit while completing their study abroad capstone.

Whether on campus or abroad, Honors students also take colloquia, 它们都很小, seminar-style classes on specialized topics. Colloquia allow students to take classes on subjects outside their chosen majors, broadening their horizons by investigating fascinating topics such as Musings on the Multiverse; Plagues, 大流行, and Biowarfare; Theological Animation in Veggie Tales; or The Medieval Roots of The Lord of the Rings.

Many students complete their time in Honors by writing a thesis on a topic of their choice within their major. Guided by professors who are experts in their fields, students produce original and outstanding research and present it to professors, family and friends on campus the spring before they graduate. For more information on the features of the 荣誉项目 curriculum and requirements, go to 荣誉课程.

Participation in the 荣誉项目 prepares students for future success, making them outstanding candidates for graduate studies or prestigious careers in their chosen fields. But we do not want students to join simply for the tangible 本efits. The real rewards of our program reside in the rich relationships with peers, faculty and ideas. And, prospective students, be warned: such relationships are likely to change your life.

For Information 联系

本杰明•迈尔斯Dr. 本•迈尔斯
Director of the 荣誉项目


保罗·桑切斯Dr. 保罗·桑切斯
Assistant Director of Honors



SSC Writing Coordinator and Head Desk Captain